Training, Events and Opportunities

September 2017

Additional Resources-click here

The week of September 10th-16th is recognized as National Suicide Prevention Week, with September 10thmarking World Suicide Prevention Day.  This year’s theme is “Take a minute, change a life.” Suicide is a leading cause of death among youth, and as such, schools and communities have an important role in saving lives. It is our collective responsibility to raise awareness for suicide prevention and to educate about the warning signs and symptoms.  Most importantly, it is crucial that we set the example on how to communicate with someone who may be struggling.  Creating safe and accepting environments and providing non-judgmental spaces for youth to share their experiences can make a world of difference.

In Pennsylvania, we want to do our part to help schools and communities to take a minute, change a life.  Events and activities serve as a way to connect individuals who have been affected by suicide and to educate the community.  Locally, nationally, and internationally, communities will be hosting a range of suicide prevention and awareness activities in the month of September.  A resource document is attached, which includes examples of activities that you can promote or implement in your school and/or community.

Media plays an important role in communicating suicide prevention and awareness, and a crucial role in saving lives.  Social media, in particular, can help further suicide prevention messages, but the ways in which suicide is portrayed can be harmful, particularly to vulnerable youth.  Taking time to monitor youth’s online activity/mobile devices and to have discussions with youth about mental health and suicide is essential in counteracting this type of content. 

The attached resource document includes information about safe messaging, as well as links to talking points for educators, families, and community members regarding some of the recent media/online content related to suicide.  Also included are links to various national and international social media campaigns focused on offering support and care for those that may be struggling, as well as national crisis resources.

Thank you for taking a minute to raise awareness for suicide prevention and mental wellness in your school and/or community.  Your efforts may truly change a life.


Prevent Suicide PA

Jana Marie Foundation

Garrett Lee Smith “Suicide Prevention in PA Schools and Colleges Initiative

Pennsylvania Network for Student Assistance Services (PNSAS)